
    Effects of interspecific competition on growth and fecundity of Bemisia tabaci and Myzus persicae

    • 摘要:
      目的  研究烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci与桃蚜Myzus persicae的种间竞争。
      方法  在(26±1) ℃的条件下,设置了1∶1、1∶5和1∶10的种间竞争比例,调查烟粉虱和桃蚜的发育历期、存活率、成虫寿命及产卵/仔量情况。
      结果  种间竞争延长了烟粉虱1~2龄若虫发育所需的时间,但对整个若虫期的发育速度影响不大。烟粉虱∶桃蚜为1∶1、1∶5时对烟粉虱若虫的存活率影响较小,但缩短了烟粉虱雌成虫的寿命、降低了其产卵量;而烟粉虱∶桃蚜为1∶10明显降低了烟粉虱若虫期的存活率,延长了烟粉虱雌成虫的寿命,提高了其后代繁殖量。种间竞争明显延长了桃蚜若虫期的发育时间,降低了若虫期的存活率。相对而言,桃蚜∶烟粉虱为1∶1、1∶5时,桃蚜成虫的寿命有所缩短,但对其单雌产仔量影响较小;桃蚜∶烟粉虱为1∶10显著延长了桃蚜雌成虫寿命的同时,降低了其单雌产仔量。
      结论  生态位重叠的昆虫的种间竞争对昆虫种群数量影响很大,有时甚至会发生种间的竞争取代。


      Objective  To investigate the interspecific competition between Bemisia tabaci and Myzus persicae.
      Method  Three different interspecific competition ratios (1∶1, 1∶5 and 1∶10) were established under the condition of (26±1) ℃. The development time, survival rates, adult longevity and fecundity of B. tabaci and M. persicae were investigated.
      Result  For B. tabaci, interspecific competition prolonged the development time of 1st and 2nd instar nymphs, but had little effect on the developing rate of the whole nymphal stage. The 1∶1 and 1∶5 ratios of B. tabaci to M. persicae had little effect on the survival rate of B. tabaci nymphs, shortened the longevity of adult female, and caused a reduction in fecundity of adult females. The 1∶10 ratio of B. tabaci to M. persicae clearly reduced the survival rate of B. tabaci nymphs, extended the longevity of adult females, and increased the reproductive capacity of their offsprings. For M. persicae, interspecific competition clearly prolonged the developmental time of nymphs and reduced the survival rate of nymphs. The 1∶1 and 1∶5 ratios of M. persicae to B. tabaci shortened the longevity of M. persicae adult, while had little effect on female fecundity. The 1∶10 ratio of M. persicae to B. tabaci significantly prolonged the longevity of M. persicae females, while reduced female fecundity.
      Conclusion  Interspecific competition between insects with overlapping niche has a great impact on the population dynamic of insects, and sometimes even causes competitive replacement.


