
    Phenotypic identification and genetic analysis of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutants induced by heavy ion

    • 摘要:
      目的  明确2个水稻突变体的表型特征与遗传方式。
      方法  通过重离子诱变野生型籼稻种质BBS,从其M2代中筛选出2个突变体,分别命名为m2m3。通过表型观察和性状比较,对突变体材料进行鉴定;构建了粳稻种质02428(父本)与m2m3的F2群体,并进行遗传分析。
      结果  与野生型BBS相比,m2全生育期叶宽极显著变窄且内卷;m2剑叶、倒2叶和倒3叶的卷曲度分别为22.30%、38.15%和28.84%,与野生型BBS差异达到极显著水平;m2表现出高度不育。早季播种后第54天、晚季播种后第30天,m3从主茎新叶叶梢开始枯萎,整个叶枯表型持续25 d左右,之后新长出的叶片恢复正常;m3主穗质量和主穗粒数极显著下降,其他农艺性状与野生型BBS无显著差异。遗传分析结果表明,m2/02428的F2群体剑叶宽的频率分布符合正态分布,m3/02428的F2群体中正常个体与叶片枯萎个体的分离比符合3∶1的理论比值。
      结论  m2为窄叶突变体,其窄叶性状受多个基因控制;m3为叶片枯萎突变体,其突变性状受1对隐性核基因控制。


      Objective  To clarify the phenotypic characteristics and genetic patterns of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutants.
      Method  Two mutants were screened from the M2 generation of the indica rice germplasm BBS (wild type) induced by heavy ion, named m2 and m3 respectively. Firstly, the mutant materials were identified by means of phenotypic observation and agronomic trait comparison. Secondly, the F2 populations of 02428 (male parent)/m2 and 02428/m3 were constructed for genetic analysis.
      Result  Compared with BBS, the leaves of m2 were inner-rolled and the leaf width was significantly reduced during the whole growth period. The rolling index of flag leaf, the 2nd and 3rd leaf from the top were 22.30%, 38.15% and 28.84% respectively, which were significantly different from BBS. The mutant m2 showed a high level of sterility. The new leaf tip of m3 main stem started necrosis on the 54th day after sowing in early season or 30th day after sowing in late season. The leaf necrosis phenotype sustained about 25 days and then new leaves recovered to normal phenotype. Compared with BBS, the main panicle weight and grain number of m3 dropped highly significantly, but other agronomic traits had no significant difference. Genetic analysis indicated that the frequency distribution of flag leaf width of the F2 population of m2/02428 was in accordance with normal distribution. The segregation ratio of normal individuals and leaf necrotic individuals fitted 3∶1 in the F2 generation of m3/02428.
      Conclusion  The mutant m2 is a narrow leaf mutant and the narrow leaf trait is controlled by multiple genes, whereas m3 is a leaf necrosis mutant and the mutant phenotype is controlled by a pair of recessive nuclear genes.


