
    Effects of soybean isoflavone and antibiotics on growth performance, meat quality and plasma antioxidant indexes of Wenchang chickens

    • 摘要:
      目的  对比大豆异黄酮和抗生素对文昌鸡生长性能、肉品质及血浆抗氧化指标的影响,为大豆异黄酮在文昌鸡生产中的实际应用提供参考。
      方法  选用1日龄文昌鸡母雏540只。试验分3组,包括空白对照组、抗生素组和大豆异黄酮组,每组4个重复,每个重复45羽。分小鸡、中鸡和大鸡3个阶段进行试验。
      结果  生长性能结果显示,1~30日龄小鸡各组之间的平均日增质量、平均日采食量和料重比均无显著差异(P>0.05);31~80日龄阶段,大豆异黄酮组的平均日增质量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);81~120日龄阶段,大豆异黄酮组的平均日采食量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。肉品质结果显示,各组的肉色L*a*b*和pH差异均不显著(P>0.05);与对照组相比,大豆异黄酮组的熟肉率显著提高(P<0.05)。血浆抗氧化指标结果显示,31~80日龄阶段,大豆异黄酮组的总抗氧化能力 (Total antioxidant capacity,T-AOC)活性显著高于抗生素组(P<0.05);81~120日龄阶段,大豆异黄酮组的肌酸激酶 (Creatine kinase,CK)活性显著低于抗生素组,谷胱甘肽 (Glutathione,GSH)含量显著高于抗生素组, 抗生素组和大豆异黄酮组的T-AOC活性显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。
      结论  中鸡阶段饲粮中添加20 mg·kg–1大豆异黄酮可以提高鸡日增质量和抗氧化水平;大鸡阶段饲粮中添加15 mg·kg–1大豆异黄酮能够提高鸡采食量、熟肉率和抗氧化水平。


      Objective  To study the effects of soy isoflavone on growth performance, meat quality and plasma antioxidant indexes of Wenchang chickens, and provide references for application of soy isoflavone in Wenchang chicken production.
      Method  A total of 540 one-day-old Wenchang chickens were randomly divided into three treatments with four replicates per treatment and 45 chickens per replicate. The three treatment groups included the control group, antibiotics group and soy isoflavone group. The trial was performed in three stages including young, medium and old chicken stages.
      Result  Growth performance results showed that the average daily gain(ADG), average daily food intake(ADFI) and feed gain ratio(F/G) were not significantly different among three groups from 1 to 30 days (P>0.05). ADG was significantly higher in soy isoflavone group than that in control group from 31 to 80 days (P<0.05). From 81 to 120 days, ADFI was significantly higher in soy isoflavone group than that in control group (P<0.05). Meat quailty results showed that meat color represented withL*, a* and b*values and meat pH were not significantly different among three groups (P>0.05). Soy isoflavone group had a significantly higher cooked meat percentage than that of the control group(P<0.05). Analysis of the plasma antioxidant indexes showed that soy isoflavone group had significantly higher total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) compared with antibiotics group from 31 to 80 days (P<0.05). From 81 to 120 days, creatine kinase (CK) activity was significantly lower in soy isoflavone group than that in antibiotics group, glutathione (GSH) content was significantly higher in soy isoflavone group than that in antibiotics group, and T-AOC was significantly higher in antibiotics and soy isoflavone groups than that in control group (P<0.05).
      Conclusion  Dietary supplementation with 20 mg·kg–1 soy isoflavone can increase ADG and antioxidantion of chickens from 31 to 80 days, dietary supplementation with 15 mg·kg–1 soy isoflavone can increase ADFI, cooked meat percentage and antioxidant level of chickens from 81 to 120 days.


