
    Evaluations of cooking, eating and nutritional qualities of indica rice cultivars introduced from Sri Lanka

    • 摘要:
      目的 对引自斯里兰卡的水稻品种进行蒸煮食用及营养品质分析,以期发现可利用的优良或特殊的稻种资源材料, 以利于我国水稻生产和育种。
      方法 2014年4—10月,以引进的65个籼稻品种为材料,采用单因素随机区组排列,进行田间常规种植收获后,对各品种的蒸煮食用品质和营养品质进行分析。
      结果 各品种直链淀粉的质量分数为21.35%~29.34%,供试品种间表现差异不显著;蛋白质质量分数为5.24%~9.17%,供试品种间表现为显著差异;氨基酸总含量中必需氨基酸占33.80%~36.30%,非必需氨基酸占63.70%~66.20%。相关性分析和主成分分析表明,营养品质因子(氨基酸)对稻米品质影响最大(贡献率为53.447%),其含量越高,稻米直链淀粉含量越低,同时蒸煮食用品质越差。通过聚类分析,65个品种被归为4类,各具特点。
      结论 所引进的水稻品种,特点不一,可作为原材料供将来生产和育种选用。


      Objective The cooking, eating and nutritional qualities of rice cultivars introduced from Sri Lanka were analyzed so as to screen the suitable materials for rice production and breeding.
      Method Single factor randomized block design was applied in 2014, and 65 rice cultivars introduced from Sri Lanka were planted under conventional cultivation. After harvest, rice samples from each cultivar were collected for cooking, eating and nutritional analysis.
      Result Amylose contents were between 21.35%-29.34% across all cultivars and there were no significant differences. Protein contents were 5.24%-9.17% and significantly differed among cultivars. Essential and non-essential amino acids accounted for 33.80%-36.30% and 63.70%-66.20% of total contents of amino acids, respectively. Based on correlation and principal analysis, the nutritional factor (amino acids) contributed 53.447% to the rice qualities. Higher contents of amino acids were associated with lower amylose contents, and lower cooking and eating qualities. All 65 rice cultivars were classified into 4 types through clustering analysis, and each of them exhibited different characteristics.
      Conclusion The introduced rice cultivars show different characteristics and can be used as raw materials for future rice production and breeding.


