
    Compositions and nutrients in the forest litter of Picea schrenkiana

    • 摘要: 【目的】研究天山云杉Picea schrenkiana林森林凋落物组成及其动态变化.【方法】以国家级西天山自然保护区天山云杉林为研究对象,于2008年8月—2009年7月采集森林凋落物,用常规方法测定森林凋落物营养元素并分析年度动态变化.【结果和结论】天山云杉林年凋落量为2 622.0 kg/hm2,各组成部分年凋落量差异较大,其中,叶凋落量最大,为1 766.6 kg/hm2,凋落量主要集中在入冬前的秋季.凋落物营养元素中,常量元素土壤年归还量最多的是Ca元素,为60.83 kg/hm2,最少的是Mg元素,为3.66 kg/hm2,微量元素年归还量最多的是Fe元素,为1.98 kg/hm2,最少的是Cu元素,为0.22 kg/hm2.天山云杉林凋落物营养元素归还量是土壤肥力的重要补充来源,对天山云杉林土壤养分循环和树木生长具有极其重要的作用.


      Abstract: 【Objective】Studies of forest litter and its dynamic change of Picea schrenkiana.【Method】Based on samples from P. schrenkiana forest national nature reserve in western Tianshan Mountains, forest litter and nine nutrients were tested from August 2008 to July 2009, and forest litter, nutrient elements were determined and the annual dynamic change was analyzed.【Result and conclusion】Annual amount of litter was 2 622.0 kg/hm2. There were significant differences of forest litter composition, with the higest being 1 766.6 kg/hm2 for leaf litter. For annual return of litter nutrients, macro-element Ca (60.83 kg/hm2) was the highest, while Mg (3.66 kg/hm2) was the lowest. For the trace elements Fe (1.98 kg/hm2) was the highest, while Cu (0.22 kg/hm2) was the lowest. The return amount of forest litter nutrients is important supplement source of soil fertility, which has an extremely important role in forest soil nutrient cycling and trees growth.


