
    Effects of volatiles in twenty non-host plants on the repellented and attractive behaviors of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens

    • 摘要: 【目的】为开发和设计褐飞虱 Nilaparvata lugens 拒避剂与引诱剂提供科学依据.【方法】利用Y型嗅觉仪测定褐飞虱对20种非寄主植物释放的挥发物及对 α - 蒎烯、α - 水芹烯、崁烯、芳樟醇的拒避与引诱行为.【结果和结论】枸树Broussonetia papyrifera、塞楝Khaya senegalensis、胜红蓟Ageratum conyzoides、蟛蜞菊Wedelia chinensis、鬼针草Bidens pilosa、马樱丹Lantana camara、桉树Eucalyptus exsetrta、毛麻楝Chukrasia tabularis 的叶片和小茴香Foeniculum vulgare 的种子挥发物对褐飞虱雌成虫具有显著的拒避作用,其中蟛蜞菊、塞楝和桉树叶片挥发物的拒避作用比较明显,拒避率分别为87.5%、83.3%和72.0%;洋葱 Allium cepa (鳞茎)挥发物对褐飞虱具有极显著的引诱作用,引诱率为73.1%;其他植物叶片挥发物对褐飞虱的拒避与引诱行为没有显著的影响.9种植物共有的3种挥发成分在测试浓度下,α - 蒎烯对褐飞虱雌成虫有显著的引诱作用,崁烯对其有显著的拒避作用,α - 水芹烯则对其拒避与引诱行为没有显著影响.水稻挥发物芳樟醇因含量不同,褐飞虱雌成虫的选择行为有差异,芳樟醇用量为1μL时对褐飞虱具有显著引诱作用,10 μL以上时表现为拒避作用,15 μL以上均具有极显著的拒避作用.


      Abstract: 【Objective】To provide scientific evidence for the development and design of repellents and attractants of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal (BPH).【Method】 The repellented and attractivebehaviors response of female adults BPH to volatiles of twenty non-host plants and α-phellandrene, α-pinene,camphene and linalool were tested by a Y-tube olfactometer.【Result and conclusion】The volatiles of Broussonetia papyrifera,Khaya senegalensis,Ageratum conyzoides, Wedelia chinensis, Bidens pilosa,Lantana camara,Eucalyptus exsetrta, Chukrasia tabularis, and the nuts of Foeniculum vulgare revealed repellent effects on BPH,especially, volatiles of W.chinensis, K.senegalensis and E.exsetrta showed significant repellent effects on BPH, with repellency rates 87.5%,83.3%and 72.0% respectively. However, volatiles of the bulb of Allium cepa showed significant attractive effects on BPH, with attractive rate 73.1%. The rest 10 non-host volatiles had no significant effects on BHP repellented and attractive behaviors. Though all 3 compounds were in the volatiles of 9 repellent non-ost plants, α-pinene showed attractive effects, while camphene had significant repellent effects on BPH, but α-phellandrene showed no significant effects on BPH behaviors with all tested concentrations. Furthermore, the linalool had significantly attractive effects at 1 μL, but it had repellent effects at 10 μL and significant repellent effects on BPH above 15 μL.


