
    A study on Margarya melanioides and Cipangopaludina chinensis as the indicator organisms to monitor pesticide residues in a tea garden environment

    • 摘要: 【目的】明确山坑螺 Margarya melanioides Nevill 和田螺 Cipangopaludina chinensis Gray 对茶叶种植常用农药的敏感性,探究其作为指示生物监测茶园环境农药残留的可行性.【方法】采用静水生物毒性试验法测定6种茶园常用农药对山坑螺和田螺的致死中浓度(LC50),分析比较山坑螺和田螺对供试农药的敏感程度.【结果和结论】敌敌畏、甲氰菊酯、阿维菌素、毒死蜱、草铵膦以及噻虫嗪对山坑螺48 h的 LC50 值分别为0.031 6、0.005 2、0.104 0、0.048 6、14.417 1、54.635 9 mg·kg-1,对田螺48 h的LC50 值分别为1.711 2、0.013 2、0.917 1、1.501 6、108.755 3、119.021 1 mg·kg-1,山坑螺对该6种农药的敏感程度分别是田螺的54.15、2.54、8.82、30.90、7.54和2.18倍.山坑螺比田螺对6种供试农药尤其是有机磷类农药(敌敌畏和毒死蜱)更加敏感,山坑螺对甲氰菊酯、敌敌畏和毒死蜱48 h的 LC50 值远低于我国以及欧盟规定的茶叶中最大残留限量值,具有作为茶园环境中有机磷类和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留监测指示生物的潜力.


      Abstract: 【Objective】To determine the sensitivity of Margarya melanioides and Cipangopaludina chinensis to pesticides used commonly in tea cultivation to explore the feasibility of Margarya melanioides and Cipangopaludina chinensis as the organisms to monitor pesticide residues in a tea garden.【Method】The lethal concentration 50(LC50) values of five insecticides and one herbicide to M.melanioides and C.chinensis were determined by static bioassay tests respectively.【Result and conclusion】The LC50 values of dichlorvos, fenpropathrin, abamectin, chlorpyrifos, glufosinate-ammonium and thiamethoxam to M.melanioides were 0.031 6, 0.005 2, 0.104 0,0.048 6, 14.417 1, 54.635 9 mg·kg-1 respectively, and to C. chinensis were 1.711 2, 0.013 2, 0.917 1, 1.501 6, 108.755 3, 119.021 1 mg·kg-1 respectively after 48 h treatment, which indicated that the sensitivity of M. melanioides to these pesticides were 54.15, 2.54, 8.82, 30.90, 7.54 and 2.18 times over C.chinensis, respectively. M.melanioides was more sensitive than C.chinensis to these six pesticides, especially to organophosphorus (dichlorvos and chlorpyrifos). The LC50 values of dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos and fenpropathrin were far below the maximum residue limit (MRL), which indicated that the tested M.melanioides might have the potential to be the indicator organism to monitor pyrethroids and organophosphorus insecticide residues in tea garden.


