关中 - 天水经济区农田生态系统涵养水源价值量时空变化

    Temporal and spatial variations of water conservation values in the farmland ecosystem in Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone

    • 摘要: 【目的】科学、准确地量化农田生态系统的涵养水源服务,有助于其更好地发挥调节水源、稳定水源供应的作用,以缓解水源短缺的危机.【方法】在3S技术支持下,采用土壤蓄水法估算了关中-天水经济区农田生态系统水源涵养量,并采用影子工程法、成本估算法等计算了其涵养水源的价值量.【结果和结论】关中-天水经济区农田生态系统涵养水源量及其价值在1980—2010年的30年间呈先减少后增加的总体变化趋势,其中,1980—2005年农田生态系统涵养水源总量从32.219亿m3·年-1 减少至19.691亿m3·年-1,涵养水源总价值从21.587亿元·年-1减少至13.193亿元·年-1,年均减少1.56%;2005—2010年生态系统总涵养水源数量从19.691亿m3·年-1 增加到31.638亿m3-1,总涵养水源价值从13.193亿元·年-1 增加到32.219亿元·年-1,年均增长为7.42%.由于退耕还林还草政策的正向引导,在耕地面积日益减少的情况下,农田生态系统的涵养水源量及涵养水源价值量依然呈增长趋势,并具有一定的时空变化:在时间上表现为先减少后增加;在空间上表现为东南平原高,西北山地、丘陵低的变化趋势.


      Abstract: 【Objective】It is important to quantify the water conservation services of the farmland ecosystem scientifically and accurately, which is helpful to play roles of regulating water and stabling the water supply, alleviating the water scarcity crisis.【Method】Under 3S, the quantity of water conservation in the farmland ecosystem in Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone was estimated by the method of soil water storage, and the value with Shadow Engineering and Cost Accounting Methods.【Result and conclusion】During the 30 years from 1980 to 2010, the change tendency of the quantity and value of water conservation in the farmland ecosystem in Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone had been decreasing at the beginning and then increaseing. From 1980 to 2005, the water conservation quantity decreased from 3.221 9×109 m3·year-1 to 1.969 1×109 m3·year-1, and water conservation values decreased from 2.158 7×109 yuan·year-1 to 1.319 3×109 yuan·year-1, with an average annual decrement of 1.56%; while from 2005 to 2010, the water conservation quantity increased from 1.969 1×109 t·year-1 to 3.163 8×109 t·year-1, and water conservation values increased from 1.319 3 × 109 yuan·year-1 to 3.221 9×109 yuan·year-1, with an average annual increment of 7.42%. Under the positive guidance of returning farmland to forest/grass land policy, even if the farmland area was reducing gradually, there was an increasing trend of the quantity and value of water conservation in the farmland ecosystem in Guanzhong-Tianshui economic zone. And there was a certain temporal and spatial variation: It decreased at the beginning and then increased in the time; while in the space, it was high in in the southeast plains and low in the northwest mountainous areas.


