GA3、ABA 和 6-BA 对大豆根系生长的影响

    Effects of GA3, ABA and 6-BA on soybean,Glycine max L. Merrill,root growth and development

    • 摘要: 【目的】研究不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)、脱落酸(ABA)和细胞分裂素(6-BA)对大豆根系生长的影响,为进一步利用激素调控大豆根系构型提供理论依据.【方法】以大豆品种“HN89”为材料,分别用浓度为0.05、0.50、1.00和5.00 μmol·L-1的GA3、ABA 和6-BA处理大豆幼苗4 d,利用根系分析软件定量分析根系形态参数的变化.【结果和结论】0.05 μmol·L-1 GA3 处理可使大豆总根长增加,但随着处理浓度的增加,主根、侧根生长和总根长会受到抑制,GA3 处理显著降低了根系平均直径,根变得纤细;0.05 μmol·L-1 ABA 处理不影响大豆根系生长,当 ABA 处理浓度大于0.5 μmol·L-1 后,显著抑制了主根生长和侧根数,从而降低了根系总根长,但对根平均直径影响较小;4种浓度的6-BA处理均显著抑制大豆根系生长发育,主根长、侧根数和总根长都显著降低,但提高了根平均直径,根变粗.研究结果说明,不同激素类物质及同一激素的不同浓度对大豆根系的主根、侧根生长有着不同的调控模式.


      Abstract: 【Objective】This experiment was conducted to explore effects of different concentrations of GA3, ABA, and 6-BA on soybean root growth, which could provide a theoretical basis for a further control of soybean root architecture through phytohormone. 【Method】The seedlings of soybean cultivar “HN89” were treated with 0.05, 0.50, 1.00, and 5.00 μmol·L-1 gibberellin (GA3), abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinin (6-BA) respectively for 4 days, then root morphological parameters were quantified and analyzed. 【Result and conclusion】The results showed that 0.05 μmol·L-1 GA3 promoted the total root length of soybeans, but increasing GA3 concentration would constrain primary root and lateral root growth, which decreased the total root length. GA3 decreased average root diameters, hence resulting in fine roots. 0.05 μmol·L-1 ABA did not affect the soybean root growth, while increasing ABA concentration higher than 0.5 μmol·L-1 inhibited primary root and lateral root growth, decreasing the total root length, and slightly increasing average root diameters. 6-BA significantly constrained the soybean root growth and development, for instance, it inhibited primary root elongation, lateral rooting, and the total root length, but it promoted average root diameter, resulting in thick roots. These results indicated that different phytohormones or similar phytohormone with different concentrations can control soybean root architecture by controlling primary roots and lateral roots growth in different ways.


