
    A newly recorded species of the genus Melanthrips Haliday (Thysanoptera: Melanthripidae) in China

    • 摘要: 【目的】调查中国缨翅目黑蓟马科的种类和分布.【方法】用拍打法采集各种植物上的蓟马标本,并制成玻片标本,进行形态学分类和鉴定.【结果和结论】黑蓟马科在中国仅发现1属3种,其中1种为中国新记录种:克氏黑蓟马 Melanthrips knechteli Priesner. 本文描述了该新记录种并提供了中国该属已知种的鉴别特征和检索表.


      Abstract: 【Objective】To investigate the species and distribution of Melanthripidae, Thysanoptera in China. 【Method】 Collected thrips specimens from various host plants by flapping method, then mounted slides and identified the species.【Result and conclusion】 Three species of the genus Melanthrips were found in China, of which Melanthrips knechteli Priesner was a newly recorded species. Description and illustrations of the new record species, and an identifying key and the diagnostic features of the known species of Chinese Melanthrips were provided.


