林可霉素 - 大观霉素注射液在猪体内的残留消除研究

    Residue depletion of lincomycin hydrochloride-spectinomycin sulfate injection in pigs

    • 摘要: 【目的】对一种盐酸林可霉素 - 硫酸大观霉素注射液在猪组织中的残留消除进行研究,并制订该制剂在猪体内的休药期.【方法】常规饲养条件下,将30头健康猪随机分为6组,按猪体质量以15 mg/kg(即林可霉素5 mg/kg和大观霉素10 mg/kg)剂量颈部肌内注射盐酸林可霉素 - 硫酸大观霉素注射液,每天1次,连用5 d,于最后一次给药后8、24、72、144、240、336 h各宰杀1组猪,分别采集每头猪的肌肉、肝脏、肾脏、脂肪和注射位点5种组织,采用 LC-MS/MS 法和 HPLC-UV 法分别对林可霉素和大观霉素进行残留量测定.【结果和结论】林可霉素在猪组织中消除较快,大观霉素消除较慢,给药后第6天所有检测组织中的林可霉素和大观霉素已全部低于最高残留限量,林可霉素和大观霉素在猪体内各组织器官的残留浓度大小顺序均为:肾脏>肝脏>注射部位>肌肉>脂肪,表明肾脏是二者的靶组织.结合农业部规定的林可霉素、大观霉素在猪体内的最高残留限量和 WT1.4 休药期软件计算结果,建议该制剂在猪体内的休药期为8 d.


      Abstract: 【Objective】The residue depletion of lincomycin hydrochloride-spectinomycin sulfate injection in pigs was investigated in this study, and its withdrawal time was estimated. 【Method】 In routine breeding conditions, thirty healthy pigs were randomly allocated to six treatment groups. All of them were treated with lincomycin hydrochloride-spectinomycin sulfate injection at a dosage of 15 mg/kg (5 mg lincomycin and 10 mg spectinomycin) once daily for 5 consecutive days. Five medicated pigs were slaughtered at 8, 24, 72, 144, 240 and 336 h after intramuscular administration, and muscle, liver, kidney, fat and injection site tissues were sampled. The tissue concentration of lincomycin and spectinomycin was analyzed respectively by liquid chromatography-mass spsectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). 【Result and conclusion】 At 6 days postmedication, all observations of spectinomycin and lincomycin were below the corresponding MRLs. In all of the detected tissues, kidney had the highest drug concentration followed by liver, injection site, muscle and fat with the lowest drug concentration, indicating that kidney was target tissue for spectinomycin and lincomycin. Based on the MRLs, which were established by the Chinese Agriculture Ministry, the withdrawal time in pigs was analyzed by WT1.4 software. The results indicated that the withdrawal time of lincomycin hydrochloride-spectinomycin sulfate injection should be 8 days after intramuscular administration of 15 mg/kg in pigs.


