
    A study of non-enzymatic browning of (+)-catechin in a simulated litchi wine

    • 摘要: 【目的】研究4种有机酸、pH、SO2 以及金属离子 Cu、Fe 对荔枝酒贮藏期间非酶氧化褐变的影响.【方法】在模拟荔枝酒体系加速褐变条件下,研究酚类物质儿茶素的变化.【结果和结论】在模拟荔枝酒体系中,酒石酸和金属离子能够加剧非酶褐变的反应过程,其中 Fe3+ 与模拟酒的褐变呈极显著的正相关,Y =0.179X -0.009X 2R 2=0.990.SO2 添加量在40 mg/L以上时能在一定程度上延缓非酶褐变的发生,而当pH在3.2~4.0时,调整 pH 对抑制或延缓褐变效果不明显.


      Abstract: 【Objective】 In order to determine the influence of organic acid, pH, SO2, copper and ferrous ion on non-enzymatic browning of litchi wine during the storage, the browning problem was studied in this paper. 【Method】 (+)-Catechin was investigated as representative substance in a simulated litchi wine in accelerating browning test. 【Result and conclusion】 It could be observed that tartaric acid, copper and ferrous iron increased the browning, in which the correlation between Fe3+ and browning of simulated litchi wine was significant: Y =0.179X -0.009X 2R 2=0.990. The content of SO2 above 40 mg/L can delay the oxidation to some extent, while the pH adjusted between 3.2 and 4.0 has no obvious influence.


