不同潮汐淹浸程度下 2 种红树植物化学计量特征

    Stoichiometric characteristics of mangroves Avicennia marina and Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynochopetala seedlings altered by different tide statuses

    • 摘要: 【目的】通过化学计量学和水文学的分析,摸清主要红树植物尖瓣海莲 Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynochopetala 和白骨壤 Avicennia marina 的适生环境,为中国红树林保护和恢复提供科学依据.【方法】借助室内潮汐模拟系统,分析尖瓣海莲和白骨壤幼苗的叶、茎、根在每天不同淹浸时间梯度下8种大量元素和5种微量元素的化学计量特征变化.【结果和结论】K、P、Na、Cl、Mg、Ca、Al、Fe、Mn、B 元素含量在每天不同程度的潮水淹浸下存在明显差异.淹浸时间的长短能够显著影响幼苗各器官的化学计量特征,且2个物种化学计量特征区别较大.潮水淹浸对尖瓣海莲和白骨壤各器官矿质元素的影响以叶片的变化最明显,茎干和根部变化较小.随每天淹浸时间延长,Fe、Al、Mn、Ni、B 等元素在叶片中不断累积增加,在根中略有减少,尖瓣海莲叶中 Fe、Al 在淹浸20 h时的含量是淹浸2 h的4.2和6.6倍.白骨壤叶片中Fe、Al、Mn、Ni 和 B 在每天淹浸24 h时的含量是每天淹浸2 h的4.7、1.1、3.5、4.0和1.5倍.这可能是红树植物受水淹胁迫后在元素化学计量上的重要表现之一.2种植物各个器官内 Mg、Ca 2种元素含量变化与淹浸程度均显著相关.


      Abstract: 【Objective】Through analysis of stoichiometry and hydrology, the right growing environment of the main species of Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynochopetala and Avicennia marina seedlings and their conservation and restoration in China could be figured out.【Method】The influences of waterlogging time on stoichiometric characteristics of Bruguiera sexangula var. rhynochopetala and Avicennia marina seedlings in different organs (leaf, stem and root, respectively) were studied using the automatic tidal-simulation device in sand culture of greenhouse. The contents of 8 macroelements and 5 microelements were determined in the waterlogging treatments, respectively. 【Result and conclusion】The content of K, P, Na, Cl, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, B differed significantly in seedlings when waterlogging stress varied. The result of the experiment showed waterlogging had a significant effect on the distribution characteristics of elements in different organs of seedlings, and different species differed in stoichiometric characteristics. The elemental content in leaf was more obvious in waterlogging than that in stem and root of B. sexangula var. rhynochopetala and A. marina seedlings. The result of waterlogging treatment showed the contents of Fe, Al, Mn, Ni, B increased in leaf continually, decreasing in root slightly. The Fe and Al content in 20 h waterlogging about 4.2 and 6.6 times higher than that of 2 h in B. sexangula var. rhynochopetala seedlings. The Fe, Al, Mn, Ni, B in 24 h waterlogging about 4.7, 1.1, 3.5, 4.0 and 1.5 times than that of 2 h in A. marina seedlings. This is possibly one of the most important features of mangrove species in stoichiometry. There is a significant correlation between the change in Mg and Ca in different organs of two species and waterlogging levels.


