
    Residual dynamics and residual limits of triflumizole in ginseng and soil

    • 摘要: 【目的】 对人参中氟菌唑残留动态进行研究,使其在人参上的使用合理化.【方法】通过田间试验和气质联用方法检测了质量分数为30%氟菌唑 WP 施药后0、7、14、21、28和74 d(收获期)在人参和土壤中的消解动态及最终残留量.【结果和结论】施药剂量为1 000 g·hm-2,施药1次时,氟菌唑在人参和土壤中的原始沉积量分别为0.54和0.25 mg·kg-1;半衰期分别为19.9 和25.4 d;收获时鲜人参根中氟菌唑最终残留量为0.04 mg·kg-1、干人参的残留量为0.14 mg·kg-1;综合多方面因素,建议我国鲜人参中氟菌唑的最大残留限量值(MRL)暂定为0.05 mg·kg-1、干人参暂定为0.20 mg·kg-1;施药量不高于1 000 g·hm-2,一个生长季节施药1次.安全间隔期无法确定.


      Abstract: 【Objective】 The research aims to achieve the reasonable application of triflumizole in Panax ginseng. 【Method】 Field trial and gas chromatography mass spectrometry were carried out to study residual decline and final residues of triflumizole 30% WP after being sprayed in 0,7,14,21,28,74 days.【Result and conclusion】 The results showed that the original deposition of triflumizole was 0.54 and 0.25 mg·kg-1 respectively in ginseng and soil;the half-life of triflumizole was 19.9 and 25.4 d respectively in ginseng and soil. The final residue was 0.04 mg·kg-1 and 0.14 mg·kg-1 respectively in fresh root and dry root, while the sprayed dosage was 1 000 g·hm-2. Based on many factors, the maximum residual limit (MRL) of triflumizole is suggested to be 0.05 mg·kg-1 and 0.2 mg·kg-1 in the fresh root and dry root respectively. Application of triflumizole should be just once in every growing season, and the practical dosage should not be over 1 000 g·hm-2. The preharvest interval can not be determined.


