
    Effects of inoculant of photosynthetic bacteria on tomato quality, soil fertility and soil microbial characteristics

    • 摘要: 【目的】为了验证高效光合细菌菌剂对番茄品质的使用效果和对土壤肥力的影响.【方法】试验设3个处理和1个对照,3个重复,共12个小区随机排列,分析了在大田条件下,施用高效光合细菌菌剂对番茄品质、土壤肥力及微生物学特性的影响.【结果和结论】施入高效光合细菌菌剂能够显著增加番茄株高、地径、植株鲜质量和干质量,提高番茄抗坏血酸和番茄红素的含量,但对可溶性糖的含量无显著影响;高效光合细菌菌剂的施用能够有效调节土壤 pH,使土壤 pH 趋于中性;土壤有机质和速效钾含量显著降低,速效磷含量显著提高,对碱解氮无显著影响;高效光合细菌菌剂的施用可以提高土壤基础呼吸强度,显著提高土壤中细菌和放线菌的数量,降低土壤中真菌数量.高效光合细菌菌剂可以作为一种环境友好肥料应用于作物生产和土壤培肥.


      Abstract: 【Objective】To verify the effect of high efficient photosynthetic bacterial inoculant on tomato quality and effects on soil fertility.【Method】Three treatments and one control, three repeats, a total of 12 random field trials were designed. Effects of photosynthetic bacterial inoculant on tomato quality, soil fertility and soil microbial characteristics were studied by field trial.【Result and conclusion】 The results showed that significant increases were observed in the height and diameter, the fresh mass and dry mass of tomato plant, the content of chlorophyll, lycopene and vitamin C, but there were no remarkable effects on sugar of tomato fruit with photosynthetic bacterial inoculant. Photosynthetic bacterial inoculant reduced pH of soil tending to be neutral. Available potassium in the soil significantly reduced, while available phosphorus significantly increased. There were only slight effects on organic matter and available nitrogen in the soil. Photosynthetic bacterial inoculant could strengthen soil basal respiration and affect the number of the main microorganisms in the soil, which was presented by the number of fungi in the soil, while the number of bacteria and actinomyces in the soil increased evidently. As an environmental-friendly fertilizer, this study confirms the promise of photosynthetic bacterial inoculants on crop production and soil fertilization.


