普通野生稻苗期耐冷性 QTLs 的互作和聚合效应分析

    Pyramiding and interacting effects of QTLs for cold tolerance at the seedling stage in common wild rice,Oryza rufipogon Griff.

    • 摘要: 【目的】普通野生稻 Oryza rufipogon Griff.蕴含丰富的遗传多样性,对其进行耐冷性数量性状位点(QTLs)的挖掘和效应分析,可为水稻耐冷性分子育种提供宝贵的基因资源和理论支持.【方法】以籼稻品种9311为受体亲本、普通野生稻品系 DP15 和 DP30 为供体亲本,构建染色体片段代换系,鉴定了18个水稻苗期耐冷 QTLs,将其中分别包含4个耐冷 QTL 且遗传背景一致的4个代换系 qSCT-1-CSSL、qSCT-4-CSSL、qSCT-8-CSSL 和 qSCT-12-CSSL 分别两两杂交得到2个聚合系(qSCT-1/qSCT-12)-CSSL 和 (qSCT-4/qSCT-8)-CSSL,对聚合系中各耐冷 QTL 的互作效应及聚合效应进行研究.【结果和结论】4个耐冷 QTL 对水稻耐冷性有加性效应;互作分析显示各耐冷 QTL 间在聚合系中均存在正向互作.聚合效应在 qSCT-4qSCT-8 间表现为QTL间明显的累加效应,而 qSCT-1qSCT-12 间聚合的累加效应不明显,表现为 qSCT-12qSCT-1 有上位作用.


      Abstract: 【Objective】There is a rich genetic diversity in common wild rice, Oryza rufipogon Griff.. Exploitation and effective analysis of cold tolerance quantitative trait loci (QTLs) from the wild rice could provide gene resources and theoretical support for rice cold tolerant molecular breeding. 【Method】In our previous study, a total of 18 cold tolerant QTLs distributing throughout all 12 chromosomes of rice genome were discovered using 230 chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs)which were developed from two crosses between the cultivar, 9311 as recipient parent and two lines of core resources of the common wild rice, DP15 and DP30 as donor parents. In this study, the interacting and pyramiding effects of four cold tolerant QTLs qSCT-1, qSCT-4, qSCT-8 and qSCT-12 which were previously identified in the CSSLs were studied using two pyramiding lines, (qSCT-1/qSCT-12)-CSSL and (qSCT-4/qSCT-8)-CSSL obtained from two crosses between qSCT-1-CSSL and qSCT-12-CSSL, and qSCT-4-CSSL and qSCT-8-CSSL respectively against a uniform genetic background. 【Result and conclusion】The results indicated that four cold-tolerance QTLs with an additive effect could significantly improve the resistance to rice cold stress separately; there might exist positive interaction effect among these cold tolerance QTLs in pyramiding lines. There was a significant addition effect between qSCT-4 and qSCT-8, but no significant epistasis effect between qSCT-12 and qSCT-1.


