
    New Records of a Genus and a Species of Thyatiridae (Lepidoptera: Thyatiridae) from China

    • 摘要: 报道了中国波纹蛾科新纪录属卡波纹蛾属 Chaeopsestis Le Cerf, 1941新纪录种卡波纹蛾 Chaeopsestis ludovicae Le Cerf, 1941.提供雄性成虫及外生殖器图.研究标本保存于华南农业大学资源环境学院昆虫学系.


      Abstract: The genus of Chaeopsestis Le Cerf, 1941 and the species of C. ludovicae Le Cerf, 1941 from China were reported for the first time. Images of adult and male genitalia were illustrated. The specimens are deposited in Department of Entomology, College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agriculture University.


