
    Screening for Germplasm with Heat Tolerance at Flowering Stage in Oryza sativa

    • 摘要: 在水稻抽穗开花期于人工气候箱以每日35.0 ℃以上高温10 h、日平均温度33.5 ℃连续7 d对来自11个国家、具有广泛多样性的28个品种(系)进行高温处理和耐热性鉴定.结果表明,热处理后其结实率在0.6%~58.7%之间,耐热指数为0.01~0.85.其中,〖JP2〗“赣香糯”和“N22”耐热性最强,耐热指数为0.84和0.85.选用对籼粳性具有专一分辨力的24个SSR和InDel标记对测试品种(系)进行籼粳性分析,并分析籼粳性与耐热性的关系.结果显示,品种的籼性度与耐热性显著正相关(P<0.05),表明在籼稻资源中进行耐热性筛选将有更大的机会获得强耐热性的稻种资源.


      Abstract: To screen the germplasm with heat tolerance in rice, twenty eight varieties (lines) from 11 countries were selected for evaluation of heat tolerance in this study. The tested rice varieties (lines) at flowering stage were subjected to high temperature treatment in phytotron with temperatures equal to or higher than 35.0 ℃ for 10 hours, and the daily average temperature had been 33.5 ℃ for 7 days. The results indicated that the heat tolerance of the tested varieties (lines) varied considerably. The percentage of spikelet fertility of the tested varieties ranged from 0.6% to 58.7% and their heat tolerance indexes ranged from 0.01 to 0.85 after high temperature treatment. The indica varieties, “Ganxiangnuo” and “N22” were the most heat-tolerant varieties which had the heat tolerance indexes of 0.84 and 0.85, respectively. Twenty-four SSR and InDel markers that could specifically differentiate indica from japonica were used to analyze the differentiation of the tested materials. The degree of indica-type of the tested materials calculated by the ratio of the number of markers that could generate indica-type band pattern to the total number of markers used was positively correlated with their heat tolerance index (P<0.05), suggesting that indica subspecies was more heat-tolerant than japonica subspecies and there would be more chances to identify heat-tolerant rice germplasm when screening is conducted in indica rice.


