
    Design of Temperature Control System Based on Double Temperature Sensors in Fresh-Keeping Transportation

    • 摘要: 针对果蔬保鲜运输中因温差过大,部分果蔬易被冻伤的问题,设计了一套基于双监测点的保鲜运输用温度控制系统.该系统以安装在厢体后端的温度传感器为主监测点,将保鲜运输中的环境温度控制在理想的保鲜温度范围内;以安装在厢体前端的温度传感器为辅助监测点,防止气流出口处的温度过低,冻伤厢体前端的果蔬.通过试验,此温度控制系统稳定性好、可靠性高,既能将运输厢内的温度控制在设定的目标温度范围内,又能防止运输厢体前端的果蔬不被冻伤.此研究结果对提升果蔬保鲜运输技术水平具有一定的参考价值.


      Abstract: The great temperature difference present between the front and the rear of current fresh-keeping transportation makes negative impact on the quality of fruit and vegetable. In order to resolve this problem, double temperature sensors were applied in temperature control system designed in this paper, which utilized one temperature sensor to measure the temperature of the rear of preservation chamber as the prior value in controlled, and utilized the other temperature sensor to measure the temperature of the front as the auxiliary value in control. The system proved a good feasibility, stability by experiments, which could not only control the temperature under the set value in the preservation chamber, but also keep the temperature over the temperature limit of fruits and vegetables. This result is valuable for the improvement of the technology of the fresh-keeping transportation.


