
    Sterile Effects of Hexamethyl Phosphoryl Triamide Mixed with Protein Hydrolysate on Bactrocera dorsalis

    • 摘要: 试验选取体积分数(φ)分别为0.03%、0.05%、0.07%、0.09%的六磷胺水溶液饲喂橘小实蝇 Bactrocera dorsalis 雌、雄虫,测定其使橘小实蝇不育的最佳浓度范围.结果表明:0.05%六磷胺处理雄虫后与正常雌虫交配卵孵化率约为6%,至φ为0.09%时卵完全不孵化;雌虫在 φ 为0.07%时卵已完全不孵化.在此基础上研究了六磷胺与50 g/L(100 mL水里溶解5 g水解蛋白)水解蛋白溶液混合后对橘小实蝇雌、雄虫的不育效果,选取φ分别为0.02%、0.04%、0.06%、0.08%、0.10%的六磷胺水解蛋白溶液饲喂成虫.结果表明:产卵量和孵化率都随着六磷胺在水解蛋白溶液中体积分数的升高而降低;φ为0.08%处理雄虫后与正常雌虫交配所产卵的孵化率仅为14%,明显低于对照的孵化率76%;雌虫在φ为0.08%时已达到完全不育.


      Abstract: The optimal sterile concentration range of HMPA (hexamethyl phosphoryl triamide) against Bactrocera dorsalis was tested by feeding B. dorsalis adult with different concentration of HMPA dissolved in honey water. When normal female mates with the male treated with 0.05%HMPA, the hatching rate of their laying eggs was about 6%. The eggs don’t hatch when males were treated with the concentration of 0.09%. However, treatment of female adults with 0.07% HMPA resulted in a complete sterility. Based on the above results, the sterile effect of HMPA dissolved with 5% protein hydrolysate against B. dorsalis was studied by feeding B. dorsalis adult with concentration 0.02%, 0.04%,0.06%,0.08% and 0.10%. The results indicated that fecundity decreased with the concentration. The egg hatching rate was only 14% after feeding the males with 0.08% HMPA. But the egg hatching rate in the control group was up to 76%. The female adults were sterilized completely when the concentration was 0.08%.


