
    Principal Component Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Soil Fertility in Guangming New District,Shenzhen City

    • 摘要: 以深圳市光明新区为研究区域,通过对7个主要土壤肥力属性指标的主成分分析,探讨了该地区土壤肥力属性在时间和空间上的演变情况.结果表明:经过28年的演变,土壤肥力的主要限制因子由1984年的磷钾速效养分含量偏低转变为2011年的容重偏高和氮素缺乏,但由于前后的突出肥力因子和限制因子均相互抵消,土壤综合肥力未产生显著差异.不同农田片区的土壤综合肥力和主要限制因素在演变过程中都表现出显著差异,这主要是由于不同片区的种植模式和施肥习惯向着不同方向演变造成的.


      Abstract: Taking the Guangming New District in Shenzhen City as the study area, the spatial and temporal evolution of soil fertility properties were studied through principal component analysis of seven major indicators. The results showed that the main limiting factors of soil fertility had been changed into high bulk density and lack of nitrogen in 2011’s from low available phosphorus and potassium in 1984’s after 28 years’ evolution, but there were no significant differences in soil comprehensive fertility for the prominent fertility factors and limiting factors in the two periods were canceled out. Significant differences of soil integrated fertility and main limiting factors were observed in different areas, which could be caused by various planting models and different fertilization habits.


