
    QTL Mapping for Pericarp Tenderness in Sweet Corn

    • 摘要: 由组合B15(不柔嫩)×B20(柔嫩)构建的F2:3家系群体(236个家系)为作图群体,构建了包含89个SSR标记的玉米遗传连锁图谱.图谱的总长度为1 317.2 cM,相邻两标记间平均距离为14.8 cM.在F2:3家系群体中,共检测到与甜玉米果皮嫩度性状相关的QTL 4个,分别位于第3、4、7染色体上,分别解释表型变异的3.0%、1.1%、1.0%和6.0%,且4个QTL加性效应均为负值,表明均来自果皮柔嫩度较好的亲本,具有降低果皮柔嫩度值,改善果皮柔嫩度的作用.


      Abstract: The genetic linkage map was constructed with 89 SSR markers based on a maize population consisting of 236 F2 individuals from B15(not tender)×B20(tender). The linkage map covering 1 317.2 cM on a total of ten chromosomes with an average interval length of 14.8 cM could be used to locate QTL. The population of 236 F2:3 families were evaluated for pericarp tenderness. With the method of composite interval mapping, four QTLs associated with pericarp tenderness were identified on the 3 rd, 4 rd, and 7rd chromosomes, which explained 3.0%, 1.1%, 1.0% and 6.0% of phenotypic variance, respectively. The additive effects of 4 QTLs were all negative. The results revealed that all the QTLs had come from the parent with good pericarp tenderness, which could decrease pericarp tenderness and improve the tenderness of pericarp trait.


