
    The Best Maize Inbred Lines Selected Under the Different Density Conditions

    • 摘要: 以PH4CV×昌7-2为基础材料,在种植密度分别为6×104、9×104、1.2×105和1.5×105株/hm2的选择压力下选系,于F4代分别选出5个代表系与4个骨干自交系构成NCII设计,对其产量表现、一般配合力和特殊配合力进行分析.结果表明:在1.2×105株/hm2密度下选择的5个自交系其一般配合力均为正值,最高值12F-3为12.74,特殊配合力最高值的组合亲本也来源于1.2×105株/hm2密度下选择的自交系,并且该密度下选育的自交系能组配出产量高于对照品种数量最多的组合,其中小区产量最高的组合PH6WC×12F-5为15.57 kg.在4种选系种植密度中,1.2×104株/hm2为基础选系材料PH4CV×昌7-2选系的最佳种植密度.


      Abstract: Taking PH4CV×chang7-2 as the basic material, inbred lines were selected under the selective pressure of 6×104, 9×104, 1.2×105 and 1.5×105 plants/hm2.The NCⅡdesign was composed of 4 backbone inbred lines and 5 representative lines which were selected from the F4 generation, and the yield performance, GCA and SCA were analyzed. The results indicated that GCA of 5 inbred lines selected under the 1.2×105 plants/hm2 were all positive, and the highest value 12F-3 was 12.74, the parents who had the highest value of SCA also came from the inbred lines under the selective density of 1.2×105 plants/hm2. Meanwhile,the yield of the combination which derived from that density was much higher than the best of CK,and the highest grain yield per plot was 15.57 kg from PH6WC×12F-5. The 1.2×105 plants/hm2 was considered the best density for PH4CV×Chang7-2 combination among the 4 selective densities.


