
    Effects of Different Topping Modes on Agronomic Characters and Usability of Upper Leaves of Flue-Cured Tobacco

    • 摘要: 为探讨粤北始兴烟区适宜打顶方式及其对烤烟上部叶可用性的影响,研究了不同打顶方式(扣心打顶、现蕾打顶和初花打顶)对烤烟农艺性状及上部叶主要化学成分、产量、产值及初烤烟叶品质的影响.结果表明:随着打顶时间的推迟,烤烟株高、有效叶片数和节距显著增加,而上部叶最大叶面积和茎围有所下降.不同打顶方式对上部叶成熟期淀粉、可溶性总糖、烟碱含量影响较大,对总氮含量影响不明显.初花打顶产值、中上等烟比例分别比生产上常用的打顶方式(现蕾打顶)提高了6.48%和7.73%,淀粉和烟碱含量分别降低了15.68%和5.99%,钾含量升高了13.02%,糖碱比及施木克值有所升高,烟叶内在成分较为协调.综合考虑,初花打顶能有效提高烤烟上部叶可用性,值得在生产上推荐应用.


      Abstract: To explore a suitable mode of topping and the influence of upper leaves usability of flue-cured tobacco in Shixing, the northern Guangdong tobacco area, the effect of different topping modes (topping at buttoning stage, topping at budding stage, topping at early blooming stage)on the agronomic characters, major chemical composition changes of upper leaves, yield, quality and the quality of cured leaves of flue-cured tobacco was investigated. The results showed that the height of the plant, the effective leaf number and the length of inter-nodes increased significantly with a postponed topping stage, while the biggest upper leaf area and the girth growth decreased. Different topping modes made a big influence on starch, soluble sugar, nicotine for upper leaves stage, but not so obvious on total nitrogen. The output value of topping at early blooming stage and proportion of middle and superior tobacco leaves increased by 6.48% and 7.73%, respectively, compared with the common mode of topping (topping at budding stage), potassium content being 13.02%; starch and nicotine decreased by 15.68% and 5.99%, respectively, and sugar-nicotine ratio and soluble sugar-protein ratio increased slightly, and the inner elements being harmonious. In a word, topping at early blooming stage could improve tobacco upper leaves’ usability and was worth being promoted in production.


