
    Comparison of Morphological Characteristics of Otolith in Four Sciaenid Fishes

    • 摘要: 比较研究了黄唇鱼 Bahaba flavolabiata、大黄鱼 Pseudosciaena crocea、丁氏鱼或 Wak tingi和棘头梅童鱼 Collichthys lucidus耳石的形态特征和微结构,总结了4种鱼耳石形态的异同鉴别特征.结果表明:矢耳石呈长圆形或者盾形,基叶、翼叶、后基叶、副基叶以及中央突均不发达,主凹槽明显且贯穿整个耳石,背面具数个圆形晶状突或尖形晶状突或两者兼有.星耳石翼叶较基叶发达,中央突发达,为粗壮突起,四周边缘分布有数量不等的叶形晶状突,为宽叶形或窄叶形.黄唇鱼、大黄鱼和棘头梅童鱼的微耳石略呈纺锤体形,丁氏鱼或的微耳石略呈长方形.矢耳石、星耳石和微耳石的平均长高比分别为1.259~1.890、1.332~1.531和0.643~0.716.矢耳石长占体长的比为4%~6%,矢耳石高占体长的比为2%~5%.矢耳石仅有1个中心核和1个原基,星耳石大部分具1个中心核和1个原基,但也有少数具有1个以上的中心核或原基.


      Abstract: Characteristics of otolith morphology and microstructure of Bahaba flavolabiata, Pseudosciaena crocea, Wak tingi and Collichthys lucidus were comparatively studied, and characteristics of difference and similarity of otolith morphology in four sciaenid fishes were summarized. Results indicated that sagittas are long circle or shield shape. The rostrum, antirostrum, postrostrum, pararostrum and central protrusion are very small. Sculcus is obvious and runs through the whole otolith with many rounded aragonite crystals or sharp aragonite crystals in back. The antirostrum is bigger than rostrum and central protrusion is big in asteriscus. There are a lot of leafed aragonite crystals on the edge of wide-leaf or narrow-leaf like in shapes. The lapillus of B. flavolabiata, P. crocea and C. lucidus are spindle-like in shape, and that of W. tingi is rectangular. The ratio between length and height of sagitta, asterisci and lapillus were 1.259-1.890,1.332-1.531 and 0.643-0.716, respectively. The percentage between sagitta length and body length was 4%-6%, and that between sagitta height and body length was 2%-5%. One centronucleus and one primordium were found in sagitta and most of asteriscus, however, more than one centronucleus or one primordium were observed in a few of asteriscus.


