
    An Assay Method for Cellulase Activity in Longan Pedicle Abscission Layer

    • 摘要: 介绍一种测定离层纤维素酶活性的新方法—凝胶扩散-组织印迹法.给出了该测定方法的基本原理、流程、步骤及计算方法,并以此方法测定了龙眼果实脱落过程中果柄离层纤维素酶活性的变化.结果表明该方法需要材料少,灵敏度高,纤维素酶活性最低可检出2×10-6U.


      Abstract: A new determination method of cellulase activity—gel diffusion-tissue blot was described. This paper provided the basic principle, operation procedures and calculation methods for cellulase assay, and applied this method to analyze the activity of cellulase in the abscission layer in longan pedicle during fruit abscission. The results showed that this method had advantages such as less material requirement, high sensitivity, good reproducibility, simple operation, and saving time and labor, and it is very suitable for the determination of cellulase activity in abscission layer.


