
    Nest Distribution and Dynamics of Colony Movement of Red Imported Fire Ant in Lawn

    • 摘要: 应用最近邻体法研究了草坪生境中红火蚁蚁巢间空间关系,调查了蚁群迁移动态规律.结果表明,该生境中红火蚁 Solenopsis invicta 蚁巢空间格局呈随机分布和均匀分布交替出现,且大部分时间为随机分布,蚁巢间平均距离是6.88 m.不同月份蚁巢密度变化存在差异,4月份蚁巢密度增加程度最大,为0.305×10 -2 个/m 2;5月份蚁巢密度降低程度最大,为0.19×10 -2 个/m 2.与其他月份相比,4月份蚁巢平均迁移率最高,为20.70%,迁移最活跃.蚁巢平均使用时间为43 d,平均迁移距离为5.57 m.新出现于地表的红火蚁蚁巢短期内消失比率很高,出现后第1周达31.48%,之后低于10%.


      Abstract: The nest spatial distribution and dynamics of colony movement of red imported fire ant were studied in the lawn of Guangzhou. The results revealed that the spatial distribution of fire ant nests alternated between random and uniform pattern, and the random pattern was dominant. The average distance between the neighbouring fire ant nests was 6.88 m. The highest increase of nest density, 0.305×10 -2 nest/m 2, appeared in April, and the highest reduction of nest density was 0.19 ×10 -2 nest/m 2 in May. Average nest migration rate in April was 20.7%, which was higher than that in other months. The average occupied time of nests was 43 d, and the mean movement distance of the colonies was 5.57 m. The disappearing rate of newly-founded colonies reached as high as 31.48% within the first week, and then kept below 10%.


