
    Feasibility Analysis of Qualifying Slurry Fertilization Based on the Phosphorus Requirement of Potato

    • 摘要: 田间小区试验探讨了在保持氮、钾平衡情况下,不同供磷水平的沼液施用量对马铃薯产量、品质、经济效益以及土壤养分含量的影响,并以此来分析基于需磷量来确定沼液用量在作物种植上的可行性.结果表明,当沼液供磷水平为90、135、180 kg·hm-2时,马铃薯产量分别比化肥组增产10.98%、16.54%和18.37%,产投比分别比化肥组高0.9、1.0、1.3,但两者产量无显著差异.虽然与施用化肥相比马铃薯粗蛋白、可溶性总糖、淀粉含量没有明显差异,但是沼液的施用能显著提高马铃薯还原糖含量.同时,磷当季利用率以中供磷水平组(90 kg·hm-2)最高(12.50%),化肥组最低(6.80%).化肥的施用能显著提高种植后土壤碱解氮、速效钾含量,而中高供磷水平(90、135、180 kg·hm-2)沼液的施用则使土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾含量都得到了显著的提高,其中供磷水平为180 kg·hm-2的处理还能显著增加种植后土壤速效磷含量.综上所述,基于马铃薯需磷量来确定沼液用量可行,在磷匮乏和磷充足的土壤,沼液供磷水平分别以180、90 kg·hm-2为宜.


      Abstract: With the series of field trails, the feasibility of qualified biogas slurry applied in crop production based on phosphorus demand was discussed in terms of phosphorus levels from pig slurry on potato yield, quality and economic benefit, and soil nutrient content under the balance of N and K content. The results showed that the potato productivity and the ratio of output to input were increased by 10.98%,16.54%, 18.37% and 0.9,1.0,1.3 respectively with the application level of phosphorus provided by slurry of 90, 135, 180 kg/hm2 compared with the chemical fertilizer application. However, there was no significant potato yield between the chemical fertilizer treatment and biogas slurry treatments. The reducing sugar content were obviously higher for slurry application with different levels of phosphorus but no significant improvement of crude protein, total soluble sugar, starch were observed in comparison to chemical fertilization. Meanwhile, the highest utilization rate of phosphorus (12.50%) in current season was obtained with the slurry application providing with phosphorus of 90 kg/hm2, and the lowest one (6.80%) was the fertilizer treatment. In addition, the slurry application treatments with the phosphorus amount of 90, 135, 180 kg/hm2 could significantly increase the content of soil organic matter, available nitrogen and available potassium after planting, especially with the slurry treatment of providing with phosphorus at the rate of 180 kg/hm2 could significantly improve available phosphorus concentration of soil. While the fertilizer treatment only obviously increased the content of available nitrogen and potassium after planting. In conclusion, it was feasible to determine amount of biogas slurry based on the potato demand of phosphorus in agriculture production. The appropriate amount of biogas slurry application in potato was 90 kg/hm2 with the upper-middle content of soil phosphorus, while the amount should be added at 180 kg/hm2 in soil with phosphorus deficiency.


