
    Directional Transfer of a Genetic Male Sterile Line Derived from Flowering Chinese Cabbage ‘Ever-Green’

    • 摘要: 为选育菜心雄性不育系解决其杂种优势利用中的制种手段问题,以复等位基因遗传的小白菜核基因雄性不育系‘00S107’为不育源,采用连续回交转育园艺学性状的同时,测交筛选基因型的方法,向‘四季油青’菜心中转育核不育基因,育成了不育株率和不育度均为100%的菜心核基因雄性不育系‘GMS203’.用菜心不育系试配的杂交组合,经品种比较试验筛选出2个综合性状优良的强优势组合.利用本项研究设计的核不育系定向转育方案,实现了不育性和园艺学性状的同时转育.


      Abstract: In order to create a procedure for utilization of heterosis in flowering Chinese cabbage, a breeding method for genetic male sterile line was carried out in the experiment. A multiple allele male sterile line of Chinese cabbage‘00S107’was used as a source of male sterility, and recurrent backcrossing method was employed to transfer horticultural characters while the genotype was identified through test cross to transfer the male sterility to a male fertile line ‘Ever-Green’ of flowering Chinese cabbage. A new genetic male sterile line of flowering Chinese cabbage with 100% of male sterile plants and 100% of male sterility ‘GMS203’ was bred. The new male sterile line was applied to develop hybrid combinations. Two excellent combinations were selected through variety compare test. Based on the directional transfer program designed by the research according to the genetic characteristics of the male sterility, the male sterility and horticultural characters could be transferred simultaneously.


