Pathogen Identification and Chemical Control of Brown Leaf Spot of Phoenix sylveseris
摘要: 对广东省新近发现的一种银海枣叶部病害进行了病原鉴定,该病病原为链格孢Alternaria alternata(Fr.)Keissl.以生长速率法和孢子萌发法对该病害进行化学防治试验的结果表明:在参试的11种杀菌剂中,叶斑净和世高的防治效果最好,对病斑扩展的抑制率分别达52.82%和33.62%.Abstract: A new disease on the frond of Phoenix sylveseris was found in Guangdong Province. The pathogen was identified as Alternaria alternata. By measuring the growth rates of colonies treated with various fungicides and the spore germination inhibition rates, Yebanjing and Score showed the best control effect. Their inhibition rates on lesion expansion were 52. 82% and 33.62% respectively.