
    Variations for Protein and Oil Content of Different Soybean Cultivars

    • 摘要: 应用近红外谷物分析仪对不同大豆种质材料的蛋白质和脂肪含量进行了分析、结果表明:高、低磷处理对大豆籽粒蛋白质、脂肪含量无显著影响;蛋白质与脂肪含量间存在极显著的负相关,而蛋白质含量与蛋脂总量间存在极显著的正相关、在高磷条件下,蛋脂总量超过63%的“双高”种质占14.09%;在低磷条件下,蛋脂总量超过63%的“双高”种质占15.45%,这些种质是今后选育“双高”新品种的重要亲本来源.


      Abstract: Protein and oil content of different soybean cultivars was determined by using a near infrared Grain Analyzer. The result showed that there was no significant difference in protein and oil content between low and high phosphorus treatments. The protein content was negatively correlated with the oil content but positively correlated with the total content of protein and oil. Under the high P treatment, the 14.09% of soybean cuhivars had more than 63% of total protein and oil content; while under the low P treatment,the 15.45% of soybean cultivars had also more than 63% of total protein and oil content. Therefore, these cultivars will benefit the breeding of soybean varieties with high-protein and high-oil content.


