
    Spatial matching error analysis of vector data for landuse change surveying based on RS

    • 摘要: 选取浙江省绍兴市杨汛桥镇为例,利用控制点、检测点GPS野外实测数据,以及同期IKONOS数据,进行了基于SPOT5遥感影像的1:10000土地利用更新调查(平原区域)矢量数据的点、线、面的空间匹配误差的研究,结果表明,73.68%的样面面积吻合度达85%以上;71.05%的样面相对面积精度达到85%以上;63.16%的样面形心点距离误差在9m以下.得出了可行性结论.


      Abstract: A study was taken by using the SPOT5 images of Yangxunqiao town of Shaoxing City in Zhejiang Province as an example.A GPS was used to get the coordinate of ground control points(GCPs) and sample.With the simultaneous IKONOS image,analysis and evaluation of the spatial matching error for the vector data was taken.At last,a feasible conclusion was given.


