
    A study of spectral features of stands and their related factors with principal component analysis

    • 摘要: 以1997年底、1998年初广东省12景美国LANDSAT TM数据为信息源,以地理信息系统(GIS)为平台,马尾松林、杉木林、桉树林、软阔叶林、硬阔叶林、其他阔叶林、针叶混交林、针阔混交林为研究对象,通过主成分分析,探讨TM光谱值及其比值项对林分及其相关因子的解释作用.结果表明,第4主分量均反映与林分蓄积有关的平均树高、平均胸径、龄组、郁闭度等信息,大部分林分的第1、2、3主分量均由波段光谱值及其比值项来反映其信息,其他主分量表示的信息因林分而异.


      Abstract: With 12 American LANDSAT TM images taken in Guangdong Province in late 1997 and early 1998 as information source and based on GIS, the present paper studied how well the TM spectrum values and their ratios could indicate the real conditions of the stands with the method of principal component analysis. Eight types of stands were analyzed, including mason pine, Chinese fir, eucalyptus, soft bark, sclerophyllous and other broadleaved stands, mixed coniferous stand and mixed coniferous-broadleaved stand. Results showed that the 4th principal component indicated the messages about mean tree height, mean diameter at breast height, age class and canopy closure, the first three principal components of most stands revealed spectrum values and their ratios, while the other principal components had different indications among the stands studied.


