
    Effects of nutritive soil modifier activation and uptake on soil phosphorus by corn plants on acid soils

    • 摘要: 将营养型土壤改良剂施入3种不同理化性状酸性土壤进行恒温培养试验和盆栽试验.结果表明,土样1(高肥力粘壤土)施入改良剂0~8 0g·kg-1时,有效磷含量有增加的趋势,以施入改良剂8 0g·kg-1处理的土壤有效磷含量最高;但施入12 0~20 0g·kg-1时,有效磷含量又开始下降.土样2(中等肥力粉壤土)和土样3(低肥力粘壤土)在改良剂施入量0~12 0g·kg-1时,土壤有效磷含量增加量随改良剂施入量的增加而增加.盆栽试验结果显示,改良剂施入不同理化性状的土壤后,活化了土壤中的磷,促进了玉米对磷的吸收,提高了磷肥的利用.


      Abstract: Nutritive soil modifier (hereinafter abbreviated as NSM) was applied to three kinds of acid soils with different characteristics. An indoor soil incubation experiment and a greenhouse soil pot experiment was conducted with corn plants (Zea mays L.). The major results of the indoor soil incubation experiment showed that the available content of phosphorus increased with addition of NSM. The lower the background nutrient content in the soil, the larger the effects of improvement. The results of the greenhouse soil pot experiment with maize showed that NSM could improve the nutrient status of the soil and activate phosphorus in the soil leading to a higher phosphorus uptake efficiency hence better growth of the maize plants.


