
    Simulation of Control Effectiveness of Several Parasitoids Against Population of the Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella L.)

    • 摘要: 利用小菜蛾自然种群连续世代生命表结果,通过状态空间方程和作用因子添中分析法,模拟增补放赤眼蜂、菜蛾绒茧蜂和菜蛾啮小蜂对小菜蛾种群的控制作用。结果表明,在春季,单独释放拟澳洲赤眼蜂、小菜蛾小蜂以及任何两种或两种以上的寄生性天敌联合释放就可以使下代小菜蛾种群的数量不再增长;在秋季,只有同时释放寄生作用较强的拟澳洲赤眼蜂和小菜蛾呛小蜂或3种寄生性天敌同时释放才能完全控制小菜蛾下代种群的增长。


      Abstract: Based on the natural population life tables of continuous two generations of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella L., the control effectiveness of Trichogramma confusum, Oomyzus sokolowsakii and Cotesia plutellae on DBM were simulated and evaluated by using state space equation and addition analysis method of population control. The results were as follows: in spring, any two species of parasitoids mentioned above could effectively control DBM population increase due to the strong natural control of parasitoids, while both T. confusum and O. sokolowsakii or three species of parasitoids released simultaneously could control the increase of DBM population effectively in autumn,because of the low natural parasitization of O. sokolowsakii and the high increase of population of DBM.


