Objective To investigate the infection states of Giardia duodenalis and the infected G. duodenalis genotype in adult goats in Sichuan partial areas.
Method The fecal samples of 342 adult goats were collected from 12 different farms of Sichuan, and subjected to nested PCR to amplify bg, tpi and gdh gene loci through multilocus genotyping technique. PCR products of positive samples were sequenced and further analyzed.
Result The infection rate of G. duodenalis in 342 adult goat fecal samples was 14.91% (51/342) and the infected G. duodenalis genotype in all positive samples was assemblage E. Fifty-one positive samples were respectively identified four (assemblage E5, E8, E17 and E18), two (assemblage E2 and E4), and two (assemblage E3 and E4) subtypes in bg, tpiand gdhgene loci. Two novel genotypes (assemblage E17 and E18) were detected at bg locus.
Conclusion There are serious G. duodenalisinfection in adult goats in Sichuan partial areas. The infected G. duodenalisgenotype is mainly assemblage E which has the genetic diversity at a certain level.