
    Screening and comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance indices of rice at germination stage

    • 摘要:
      目的 探索干旱胁迫对水稻萌芽期生长的影响,筛选水稻萌芽期抗旱性指标.
      方法 以粳型、籼型常规稻及空间诱变稳定后代株系等共62个水稻品种(系)为试验材料,利用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟干旱胁迫,研究了干旱处理对水稻萌发期芽鞘长、最长根长、芽干质量、根冠比等8个形态和生理指标的变化.利用隶属函数分析方法对所有材料进行综合抗旱能力评价.
      结果和结论 干旱胁迫严重影响了水稻的萌发,对根长的抑制最明显;根干物质积累比芽干物质积累受干旱胁迫的抑制更明显.芽鞘长和最长根长与水稻萌芽期综合抗旱能力极显著相关,且2个指标间无相关性,适合用作水稻萌发期抗旱鉴定指标.根据水稻萌发期抗旱性和综合抗旱能力评价,从62个水稻品种(系)中筛选出14个高抗旱品种(系),用于后续抗旱研究.


      Objective To study the effect of drought stress on rice growth at germination stage and screen rice drought resistance indicators quickly and efficiently.
      Method Sixty-two rice varieties (lines), including indicia and japonica rice and space-induced mutants, were studied under drought artificially created by PEG-6000. Eight indicators such as shoot length, maximum root length, coleoptile length, root number and shoot dry mass etc. were tested under stressed and control conditions.
      Result and conclusion Rice germination, especially the root length, was seriously affected by drought stress, and the impact of drought stress on root dry matter accumulation was much greater than that of shoot dry matter accumulation. Two indicators of maximum root length and coleoptile length significantly correlated with the comprehensive drought capability which were suitable for drought resistance screening at rice germination stage. Fourteen out of 62 materials have been identified to be highly drought resistant through dynamic clustering statistics, which will be promising for rice drought resistance breeding.


