
    Screening of Fungicides and Drug Resistance Analysis for Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

    • 摘要: 柑橘溃疡病是柑橘生产上重要细菌病害,药剂防治是其主要的防治措施.本文通过平板抑菌圈试验,测定了来自广东和江西等地的21个柑橘溃疡病细菌对8种化学药剂的敏感性.结果表明:叶枯唑1 000×、新植霉素2 800×、水合霉素1 300×等3种药剂对供试的21个柑橘溃疡病菌菌株均没有〖JP2〗抑菌作用;链霉素、中生菌素、溃疡克星、氢氧化铜·锌和必备等5种药剂对溃疡病菌表现不同程度的抑菌作用,其中,链霉素的抑菌作用最强;部分溃疡病菌株对这5种药剂产生了不同程度的抗药性.田间试验结果表明,链霉素、中生菌素对溃疡病防治效果较好.


      Abstract: Citrus canker is an critical bacterial disease in the world. Chemical control is one of the most important measures for the disease. In this study, the sensitivities to eight kinds of bactericides on 21 strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) mainly from Guangdong and Jiangxi Province were tested by using bacteriostatic experiment in the plate. The results showed that bismerthiazo (1 000×), new phytomycin (2 800×) and oxytetracyclini hydrochloridum (1 300×) had few effects on 21 bacterial strains. Streptomycin, zhongshengmycin,peracetic acid,copper hy-droxide ziram and bouillie bordelaise had different levels of bacteriostatic action, while streptomycin had the best effect on Xac. However,some Xac strains showed different resistances to these fungicides. In addition, streptomycin and zhongshengmycin showed better control effects on citrus canker disease in the field.


